now has the new LEED v4 AP BD+C & O+M and LEED Green Associate exam preparation materials! Developed by over 7 LEED APs, our comprehensive exam preparation materials will give you everything you need to successfully complete the exam. Plus, our exam prep is all online, so you’ll have instant access to all of your exam prep materials!
Our exam preparation materials consist of:
Practice Exams
Hundreds of practice test questions with explanations for each question to help you review and solidify your understanding
Live Online Modules
View live online modules to help you study for your exam!
Flash Cards
Printable cards so that you can review and recognize concepts quickly
Audio Files
For your computer /MP3 player (yours to keep!)
Study Guide
Step-by-Step guide to help you stay on track and complete your exam prep in as little as 7 weeks!
Register here for On-Demand access!
*Exam preparation materials provided by education affiliate GBRI.